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I will admit something to you.  I am horribly selfish, self-centered, and prideful.  And that is exactly why I have struggled with whether or not to start this blog.  A blog about me and my experiences might only feed that selfishness, and that is something I would like to avoid. However, it is possible that, in reviewing my own past and explaining my changes in understanding and thought, someone else might be helped in their own struggles...and that would be reason enough to begin on this endeavor.  So, to that end, I pray God's help in restraining my selfishness, repent where I have failed already, and here I will begin. The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my "spiritual journey" if you will, but more than just telling a story, I would like to consider and examine the theology that drove the story, and how it changed over time, and most importantly, WHY.  I'm afraid this will not be entirely linear, and posts may jump all over the timeline, because in e...

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On End Times

March 8, 2025
I remember as a kid looking up from my absorbing imaginative play, realizing that I was alone and trying to locate my parents...and coming up empty.  After searching for them for a half a minute and still not finding them, panic gripped my heart.  Not the panic…

On The Holy Spirit

January 18, 2025

Her: "Have you ever spoken in tongues?" Me: "Huh, what's that?"
"You know, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you start talking in a language you don't know."
"Oh!  Well then, you're not …

On Tradition

December 29, 2024

(One simply cannot begin a discussion about the topic of tradition without singing the word thusly:)

Everyone has traditions.  Some of them are more obviously identified as such, but others slip under the radar, disguised as "habits," perhaps.  The…

On Prayer

December 25, 2024

Prayer has always been something of a mystery to me.
As a child I started with those typical, "Now I lay me down to sleep"-type-prayers.  We always prayed as a family before meals (holding hands), and of course in church, and before classes in scho…

On Falling Away

December 6, 2024

We've all seen it.  Usually it comes as a Facebook post, or an article, or an interview.  Some big name in Christianity - someone well-known and influential, an author or musician perhaps - suddenly announces that they "can't keep living the lie…

On Confession and Absolution

March 22, 2024
Picture with me a church sanctuary; dark walls, carpet, the lights dimmed, worship team with instruments on stage playing a quiet background number, and a large, rough, wooden cross on a stand off a little to the side.  Tears trickle down a number of faces as …

On the Efficacy of the Word

September 15, 2021

Once upon a time one of my favorite types of sermons were of what I'll call the "What if..." genre.  These were the ones that created an inspiring image in the mind, that propelled us forward with the possibilities, causing us to look at wha…